Fickle Lover

Love a word itself to understand is a misnomer. You can say it’s a delusional grandeur.


I’d rather say its a mystifying equation that even greatest beautiful minds haven’t resolved. Put on the all theories of physics, all the calculations of mathematics and all statistical analysis but still you wont be able to solve the equation of “I love you”. You say you love somebody but what makes you want to love that person is far beyond you. There are 7 billion people on the planet. You can love anyone , anytime but why does only that person matters to you. Love can be for  animals too or you can even love a materialistic thing such as your car. You can fall in love with your cat or your hat.

We know that the universe is expanding and so is the definition of love. “What is love really ?” Thinking about this sure leaves  a dent in your head but nevertheless with no answers. Biomedical advances now say love is chemical reaction in our mind .Its due to secretion   of hormones like “oxytocin” and “vasopressin”. But how and why with the thought of that person your body starts to  secrete those hormones is yet a mystery. Medical science, psychology, technology none has the answer to “Why you love?” or “What makes you love?” or as simple as “What is love?” .You love your cat, hat, girl friend, best friend, father, mother, brother sister and everyone who you think is close to you. All of this is love but love in different forms.

When you love someone you tend to care much about that person, you crave to spend more time with that person, you tend to find happiness being with that person and you even miss that person for no reason. But what drives us all when we are in love is something enigmatic. Its something beyond our artistry and dimension.

As vast and convoluted is the universe so is our understanding of love.

Moon is a fickle lover its gives its whole heart only once a month and disappears before the dawn. But we still love the full moonlit night than other dark nights. Sun too transient lover as it disappears in the night only to appear during the day . Even stars play hide and seek but you still love starry nights than cloudy ones . Love is a candle that blazes beatitude and obliterates the darkest fears within us .Love in its purest form helps you rise like a phoenix from the ashes. If everything is fugitive in this universe so is love. But still  do not mind falling in love time and again even though you might appear to be a fickle lover. The equation ” I love you ” still is indicipherable.


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