
It been a while since my last post.And I haven’t had much time to write a lot.Actually I have had no time to spare ,considering all the time I spent doing my work for college, the homework ,the exams,and all the other whats and whos.

This is exactly what I wanna talk about today.Of the 24 hours that I have, I spend so much time on all theses other stuff that  barely have time to express myself.

24 hours,this seems like a lot of time for someone who has nothing to do.But I know most of you who know what it feels like to have so less time.Of the 24 hours, 8hours spent sleeping(0n average), leaves us with an even smaller amount of time i.e 16 hours.And how we wish to spend these 16 hours defines who we are.

Now the thing about time is you cant extend it.But what you can d is preserve it and make the best use of it.We spend on an average 4 hours daily just getting ourselves ready to get other things done.Had we been prepared or had we already made a plan beforehand we could have prevented these golden hours from being futile.

That’s where the idea of being organized comes into play.How you can manage your time in such a way as to make the best use of it.

The reason I felt this need to find a need way to utilize time is when i realized how much of my time I spent on nuances.Today I was introduced into the video blogs of  Casey Niestat (renowned youtuber ,journalist, movie maker) .It was after hearing about his principle and philosophy hat I got this enlightenment.If you watch his videos you will know what I am talking about.The basic theme to all his video is the amount of hard work and dedication he puts into his creation and how he manages to achieve all this in such short time.

Here a link to his YouTube channel.

After watching his videos I realized that I wanted a change in my life.Not a drastic change but something to make me more efficient so that I could use up all my hours doing things that i really need to be done and still have some time left for things like writing this blog.

And the key to this is being organized.Having everything planned out and in place before you do anything.All things should be scheduled so you don’t miss out on anything.

So what I did was look up on YouTube what life hack i could use.I also downloaded some app that could help me get organized.For instance,Trello a to-do-list type app but much more.

The topic of this blog deals with the idea if being organized will improve your efficacy.Guess we will just have to find out.Stay tuned for my next blog where I tell you about some more cool stuff I do.And may be I will tell you the result of my new incentive to say organized.But I think that is gonna take some time to take effect.

Over and out.







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