How I reduced my data usage from 40mb to 12mb?(Pokémon Go !)Also save battery!

Pokemon Go is one of the lastest and greatest trends in town which has got people walking out and about  with their heads glued to their cell phones.I too am one of such pokemaniacs.But it doesnt take a genious to know the burden this game has on battery and mobile data.If you have played it once you have already  been through it.         

  There are alot of articles about how to reduce battery usage and save data.This is not like those articles.This is not a trick but rather a careful approach to usage.

I call it, “The Multiphasic Maneuver”

This is unlike other methods but is also inclusive of them in some way or the other.

To know how to turn off background data and close all such apps except the game you can read other articles.I personally use Greenify to close background apps.

Lets get started with it. There are a total of four phases and they are classified on the basis of usage and expenditure.

Battery usage(B)

Data usage(U)

“+” represent the amount the more the number the more is the amount.

Phase 1(Gaming phase,B ++++ U++++)   

This is phase of heaviest usage.In this phase you have your data and your screen on as well as the gps on.Here the main gameplay occurs as you interact with stuff and then battle and collect items.Being the most demanding phase and the data and  battery loss here is inevitable.Most of the techniques  such ad  keeping the background data off , lowering brightness, lowering volume is applicable in this phase.Look up the internet for such basic ideas.

Now for  real saving phase 2 to 3 are applicable.

Phase 2 (Egg hatching phase, B+++,D ++++)

Here you save some battery but data usage is the same.This procedure involves enabling the battery saver mode in the same by going to the settings.Here what you do is turn on the data and gps but put the phone in your pocket(with battery saver on in the game) as you walk to gain kms(kilometers).Dont mind about the game in this phase.Focus on walking be aware of vbrations for nearby pokemon.Also make sure to check the phone from time to time as the game freezes and the avatar gets stuck in the same place .I do it every 10 minutes.Restart the game if its stuck and follow the same method.Till the period of waking up the phone by pulling it out of the pocket.

Phase 3(Periodic hunting phase,B++,U+)

Here you save both battery and data.Here you run the game , then as you walk you lock the phone and periodically opeb it up to check for pokemon.For this to totally work your phone should have all background data blocked(i.e the game when locked acts like a background app which cannot access the data,also if your phone is like mine the gps will automatically be off when locked and will not supply data to the game and your screen is off so you save more battery.

At periodic intervals unlock the phone. The game syncs no location data  when locked and is stuck in the position where you locked the phone.When you unlock it give  it time, it will update location as connection and gps is reestablished . So during the small intervals of screen unlock time look for pokemon appearance.Be aware unlike phase 2 here no notification will appear as vibrations when phone is locked. You instictly check your phone from time to time by unlocking.As per my experience  I have found more pokemon doing this method of search rather than keeping the screen on all the time looking for pokemon.On your ocassional wakeup look for nearby rustles and approach them.

Phase 4(Complete Block,B +,U+)

This is time you let everything go.Turn off the data and the gps.And close the game.These are instances when you feel it is least likely to find pokestops or you are gainning no steps as such.Like when travelling in fast moving vehicle.

Now few more tips

Data is used every time you inspect an object like gyms and pokestops.So browse very wisely .Only when you are sure its necessary to inspect the object.For instance look for pokestops only when in range.Loading it out of range is of no use.When the pokestop changes structure from a cube to a pokeball like structure it indicates that it is in range.

Also donot zoom in and out repeatedly as this causes the map to load again and again using more data.

If ou want to  open the game just to configure your pokemon, evolve them or buy items or transfer them, it is not necessary to open the gps.Just open the data and use.This saves battery not data.

Also turn off augmented reality and game music and sound effects.

It is not neccessary to open the gps while the game is loaded for first time as the screen with the garados appears.Open gps only when game is fully loaded.

This is all.I donot garauntee that you will have as much as reduction in usage of data or battery as me.You may even save more.It all depends upon the timing of your phases, I agree it is a bit of a pain in the ass to go through all this trouble of timing and thinking. But once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature.This is not for those people who donot want to sacrifice even a bit.You have to be judicious in your use.Also use data packs available for both ntc and ncell as it is a little bit more cheap.Ncell in particular is more cheap than ntc interms of data but can be slow at times.Ntc 3g I have found to be mostly reliable but using 3g is a battery dainer and I prefer to use 2g even though it takes some time to load initially.

Okay thats all I have to share for now.I will be consantly monitoring and experimenting with these phases and bring you updates soon.So go out  there and have fun but in a limited way,if you know what I mean. I hope Niantic does something about these issues in the comming update.But as of now for people especially  in countries like Nepal where data is expensive this is all we got.Unless you dont mind wasting tones of money for recharges and battery packs.For students with no wager I have found the multiphasic method to be quite useful .These may not have the same effect on all phones as some phones are not compatible  with the ingame battery saver mode.I tried and tested this on my galaxy s7.

Be the master of the game dont let the game be your master.Play responsibly. HAVE FUNN AND GO CATCH EM ALL!


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