Clear cut way to increase your chances of winning a giveaway!!Not a hack rather a life hack.

Giveaways!A magical farfetch term which seems but a fairytail.From tech stuff to makeup stuff ,giveaways are making there way to this web generation like ants swarming over honey.But are they true, is it worth spending your time little though it may be? OR are they just puny scam to get views, likes , click and just for the sake  huge internet traffic

Well this is not for me to answer for some of these dreams do come to true while others are anything but a vague conspiracy. The true deal breaker is  person in authority , the one with the power to giveaways.

Giveaways are not new and I have seen and participated in thousands of them.But after so many tries and many more misfires I was led to become a disbelevier.

BUT finally came  the day of the Unbox therapy Iphone 6s and Galaxy s7 giveaway.Though I had already left the game I thought why not give a try.But before that I wanted to do this a little differently this time. So I did a little research I found out about some guys who had got giveaways asked them what had they done differently and most of them said it was out of sheer luck.Then I met a a guy Tom who had won a bluetooth speaker form some vlog giveaway.I asked him what he had done.What  said made me drop my jaw.

He said he had made 100 different youtube accounts and with each account he posted in the vlog around 100 at intervals of 5 minutes  .It took him 5 days straight complete this feat.But it worked.I asked  what youtuber it was and it was some smaller youtuber with around 10000 subs.

At first I thought this guy is mad..who the fu*k would waste so much time just for a give away.

I carried on my research and then as I was browsing futher, what Tom had said finally sank in and that is from where I derived a great idea.


Here are the things  which I did which I am not sure is actually the reason I won but I think luck isnt that favourable.

1.Select your target

 If you plan to get something for free, so do the other millions of people out there.Your greatest weapon is the law of probablities and this is where you have to do the real magic.A youtuber with 1 million subscriber isn’t the way you wanna go.And by this I donot mean that donot follow their giveaways cause what do you know luck might work its way for you.But if you want more than luck make the right moves.Start with a youtuber with 100000 to 10000 subscriber.

The way to do this is when you search in youtube search giveawy and skip to the last pages.That usually where the deep stuff is buried.And these are more common than you think, give it a try.More youtubers are starting to take this way to easily pull subscribers escpecially the startup ones.

2.Keep it fresh!

When you search for giveaways try to keep the filters at around 1 to 2 days.You might ask why not right ” just now or within 1 hour searches” they are the most fresh ones.But that not the way this works.When you search for 1 or 2 day you get the chance and  time to check what others have posted and how many post there actually are in that time frame.This will further help you narrow down your selection.And make sure the offers not out. Most 24 hour offers are fake as hell.So its not worth the time to even look.

3.Prepare your ARMY! 

What a group can do above the capabilites of an individual  is amazing.This is where Toms startergy comes into play.But you dont need a hundred youtube accounts, 20 will be just enough to get you started.Go higher if you like the higher you go the higher your chances but the more the work you have to do. And the same acoount works for  all the tries that you make..After you are ready  with the account that when the real game starts.

 4.Attack with full force!

Just like how a brute force machine cracks password but takes some time to do so, this  attack also takes time and patience.

Also make sure to prepare your comment as following way:

Make sure to make it  short but not too short also inculde link hastags and affiliate to the youtuber and his account, keep it saved  cause its all about copy and paste from here.


If you have made it to this far please continue.

First of all open one account and goto the youtuber video or anywhere you need to be posting the comment.

There is a sequence of patterns.

Paste the comment. Now open another tab in your browser and open another youtube account.Do the same  till 20 accounts are open in different tabs.(For futher details about mutiple accounts in different tabs check the links below)

Now start posting till the time you reach the final account no. 2o.According to average estimate the first time will take you around  15 minutes.Now the next round, this is where timing is crucial.

Once you finish no.20 with a second paste schedule(meaning a second round of pasting) this time it will take you around 2 to 3 minutes only.And this much time is good interval  for a giveaway with enough time to other inflow comments so tgat yours donot overlap.Now do this for 10 more rounds.So all in all it will take you 20 to 30 minutes.


With same setup attack other videos.

 To know how to open mutiple accounts  in diffrent tabs check out the following links.


For firefox(Multifox addon)

Or check out this how to guide by How to geek.

(For chrome user the how to geek guide will be enough but i recommend use firefox as it is much smoother and faster managing diffrerent accounts.)

THIS  IS IT.Now  follow these steps and stastically increase your chance of winning giveaway by 68%. Give it a try and see what multitasking can do for you in just about 20 to 30 minutes time.I donot garauntee it will work for every giveaway and heck it may work for even giveaway if you donot follow the instructions   and choose a proper target in the first place.So be vigilant and donot let a single  opportunity pass.May the god of giveaways bless you. NOW go off soilder fight the battles and win the war!


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