Vlog Review Series(CASEY NEISTAT)

VLOG Review: Casey Neistat SE2 EP 185 “my DJI MAVIC DRONE is GONE.”

“For there is no greater loss to a man,than departure form his beloved,whether it be the love of his life OR a new dji mavic pro.” –GrayScript

GUYS I AM back with another vlog review blog.That sounds a little weird! Well it is what it is.Lets just keep it at “A vlog review” It is my creation I think?I don’t recall anyone doing this before. If I am wrong please correct me.

I wont be talking about my purpose and why I started this blog, its all in the intro of yesterdays review. Please check that out if you haven’t.

Without wasting any words lets get straight into it. 

So we have a fresh story from Casey today. It mostly the usual stuff but there are a few head turners definitely.Today vlog is like one of those that make you go “Oh it’s a regular vlog” then boom! In your face, out of the blue something crazy happens.Well  actually you see the title and you are  anticipating for the crazy thing to happen.

I can never stress this enough when I say Casey is a crazy guy who never fails to surprise.The undeniable mixture of his childish love for life and responsible family man persona is one of the greatest reason which keeps me glued to the screen.

But enough jibber jabber.

SO BACK TO THE VLOG, its starts off with bang and a happy go round mood.Its time to head back home now and leave this marvelous hotel which Casey says is one of the best he has been in.

But before he starts to head home he tries to  chase a little bit of sunrise.And we see him leaping through the walls to reach the backside of the hotel.

Something no one has missed and something  which everyone has come to admire is his new love for his Beverly hills hotel pajama pants.He plans to use them as regular pants..Even before he mentioned it I could already see him in those “khaki wanna be” looking pants looking  all cool and Casey like…You know the Neistat classic look.

This calls for a new hashtag, #Caseyspajamapants .

What do you think?I could get used to that, Classic Casey fashion sense.They do go well  with that black tee but for other outfits we’ll just have to see.

Its time to do the final “once  over” to look back at the hotel room and see if you’ve left anything.Its once so happened that I lost my car keys in the hotel but I didn’t realize that till I had already dropped down with all my stuff and reached the car.

So I had to go back to the hotel, throw everything over and about and look at every nook and cranny  to find my key which I did actually find in the end.But the whole point was had I done a quick once over this could have been avoided.

So back in the blog its airport time..and the famous first on the airplane sequence.I have never been first on an airplane. That being said that I take the airplane very rarely.But yet still.NEVER!

The airplane food review is only  so so,after what we saw at the expensive flight episode nothing seems good enough.Casey has officially spoilt us.

And the comes  our favorite scene the NYC HELICOPTER  made much more spectacular by the setting sun.WOW! Hot damn that’s beautiful.I think its on my bucket list to do when I get to NYC.

NOW the twist.Well not actually a twist something we knew might happen but never wished for it to happen. After flying drones  for long  Casey has got way better than before.But sometimes badshit stuff just happen.

 Not a good feeling to end this vlog on such a  sad note or maybe a much more curious one.Will Casey find his drone? He has had a fews drone rescue missions before but this one seems a little farfetched.But nothing is impossible for our Mr.Casey Bond ,right? Lets hope for the best.

We will have to “Tune in next time to find out”. Just love the way he says that. Don’t you?

Well that’s all for today’s review guys “Tune in next time” as I will keep more and more coming.

FOLLOW me on twitter and like my page on Facebook to get constant updates as soon as this blog comes up.The reason its few hours late is that he time Casey uploads his vlog is way off where I live . I had to  wake up at 3 am just to write this.I am not blaming anyone but myself but  I will try to get up more early to bring this more fastet next time.


So I was looking at the new google pixel phone advert and I really like the music so I looked around in the comment to see what it was, and here it is:

Lemaitre-Closer feat Jennie A.

Comment if you want Casey to use it in his vlog.Well not exactly this but something like this.


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NOTE:I ant stress this enough but guys please give me feedback DO YOU like what I a doing?If not I will dissolve this, if you do please let me know what you would like for me to add.PEACE LOVE YOU GUYS!

©GrayScript 2016 October 8




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